Achieve Radiant Skin with the Best Facial Acupuncture NYC

Schedule a Consultation at Ji Sung Kim Acupuncture Below

What is Acu-Facial?


The Acu-Facial is an excellent alternative to surgery, Botox and dermal fillers. It reduces fine lines and wrinkles while lifting sagging facial muscles for a more youthful appearance of your skin that you can maintain over time with regular treatments! Suitable for men or women in all stages of life – no matter where they are on their lifecycle at any given moment–this procedure will work wonders against age spots too when used correctly every few weeks Acupuncture is similar to a natural healing process where your body produces new tissue. When you fall down and cut yourself, the same thing happens with acupuncture: by inserting needles into different points on our face we are creating painless micro-traumas that trickes out brain in increasing collagen production for smoother skinlines! Some bonus benefits of poking ourselves include increased blood flow which helps fight against inflammation as well.

What Are the Benefits of Acu-Facial

  • Improves Overall Health

  • Improves Skin Quality

  • Improves Underlying Muscle Tone.

  • Eliminates fines lines

  • Softens Deeper Wrinkles

  • Stimulates Growth of Healthy Collagen

  • Improves Blood/Lymph Circulation.

  • Hydrates Dry Skin, Balances Oily Skin.

  • Addresses Skin Problems

  • Reduced Puffiness and Facial Swelling

  • Gives Skin a Dewy Appearance

  • Gives Skin a Radiant Appearance

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